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Sanskriti Yoga Festival 2025

4e édition : 11 - 13 juillet 2025

Stands • Yoga • Méditation • Musique • Conférences • Nourriture • Enfants • Ateliers • Ateliers bien-être

Festival de Yoga à Scionzier par Sanskriti foundation

La fondation

La fondation Sanskriti a été créée avec notre désir de promouvoir le yoga et le bien-être spirituel comme mode de vie.

À travers des événements culturels et des ateliers, la fondation s'implique activement pour amener le yoga dans la vie de tous les jours et le rendre accessible à tous. La fondation est également impliquée dans l'introduction du yoga aux enfants à travers des cours hebdomadaires.

Le festival

Le festival de yoga sanskriti est une célébration ouverte aux personnes de tous âges et de tous horizons avec ou sans expérience préalable du yoga.

Un rassemblement édifiant et à cœur ouvert avec des professeurs de yoga et des artistes musicaux, des artisans locaux, créant une plate-forme pour vous permettre d'apprendre, d'expérimenter, de découvrir et de vous transformer. C'est un week-end célébrant tout ce qui est yoga!

Éditions précédentes

Un rassemblement


Professeurs de yoga

ExtraordinairesStands d'artisans


Intervenants in 2023

Danseuse classique indienne
I am an Indian classical dancer, a Scientist and an Educator. A professional dance for the past  18 years, my goal is to introduce p...
Har yogi band
Trained in the teacher training program of Kundalini Yoga and residing in the Parisian region, the duo Har Yogi brings to life trans...
Pierre, geobiologist, offers solutions to improve the well-being of people, animals, trees, which may be subject to geobiological di...
Expérience vibratoire
In 2002, Hélène became a computer engineer and settled in Grenoble. In 2007, the call of Nepal... she experienced an initiatory jour...
Yoga Natha
Joel - Industry Professional and Mystic Explorer Joel brings a wealth of experience from the world of industry and transportation, c...
Méditation sonore
Hannah's background is in Nursing, she was an emergency and cardiac nurse for 18years, working in both London and Dubai. She has bee...
Yoga Natha
Nadia - Social Worker and Mystic Enthusiast Nadia is a compassionate social worker with a deep appreciation for human connections an...
Tantra Yoga
Born in 1987, Lola comes from a family where the transmission of yoga quickly shaped what would become her vocation. Trained in trad...
Yoga intégral • Havan • Mantra
Graduated as an art historian at the Ecole du Louvre in Paris, Maitri has been committed to the path of Yoga and Sanatana Dharma for...
Chanteuse ethnique et spirituelle
Talented spiritual and ethnic music singer from Latvia, and DJ Atulya Das for a powerful ecstatic dance that will lead you to feel t...
Bharatnatyam, Omkara school of Dance
Laëtitia and Saskia are senior dancers from the Omkara school of dance in Geneva. Omkara was founded in 1987 and since has trained s...
Acro yoga
Based in Passy in Haute-Savoie, I am a yoga, meditation, acroyoga, ayurveda, mantra singing and laughter yoga coach. Nature lover, s...
Voyage sonore
We invite you to come and experience a Sound Journey to the sounds of Gongs and other little-known instruments. Immersed in the worl...
Vrinda's music is a prime example of when artistic skill meets faith. A lifelong performer, Vrinda trained from childhood in classic...
Ayurvedic science
After starting Kundalini Yoga and White Tantra in Boston, USA, Atma Singh experienced his first true transformative experience in Au...
Iyengar Yoga
For the past fifteen years, I have been dedicated to practicing a yoga method developed by B.K.S. Iyengar. This method emphasizes pr...
Teacher Training courses
Yogini engaged since 2008, she studied Yoga with great schools such as the Sivananda Ashrams in India at the age of 19 where she stu...
Bols tibétains parents & enfants
After having lived four years in India, originally from Alsace, in January 2022, Lauriane opened her center "Om Ayurveda" 🕉 in Alsac...
Hatha Raja Vinyasa Yoga
His vision allows him a global understanding in accordance with the fundamental principles of Yoga and Ayurveda. Simultaneous vision...
Yoga flow
Passionate about connections and sharing, Mathilde became a Yoga teacher in 2018 after solo traveling in Southeast Asia. She is dedi...
Body & Soul Flow
Caroline is passionate about teaching and exchanging on the philosophy of yoga- practicing for 20 years, different styles have enric...
Hatha Yoga
Benoit is the Co-Founder of Sanskriti and yoga teacher. After studying yoga and meditation extensively in India, he has found that m...
Aurora, Indian and Bollywood dance teacher, dancer specializing in folk dances from Rajasthan. Trained in India with many locals and...
Leslie has been practicing Kathak dance for more than 15 years guided by her teacher Guruji Sushma Mehta who transmitted to her Kath...
Vedic musician
Sunil and Isabelle invite you to vibrate to the sound of mantras to meet the Divine in each of you. Sunil hails from Dharamsala in t...
First trained in Ayurveda in 2009 in Tours, Sandrine deepened her knowledge in India in Dr. Sankar's clinic (Ayurtoday-Kerala) and m...
Kids yoga
It is with the desire to accompany in yoga from the beginning to the end of life that I practice and have trained in this vast disci...

4 jours de retraite post festival

Selon le shaivisme du Cachemire, également connu sous le nom de philosophie Trika, Shakti est également la vibration ou le battement du «je», et Spanda est la première pulsation de la création identique à Vimarśa – le battement de l’extase de la Conscience-I divine.

Pendant ces 4 jours, nous pratiquerons, incarnerons et étudierons les méditations et les principes de cette tradition, nous commencerons la journée par la méditation et le pranayama, en donnant du temps pour partager des repas sains et une pause pour ensuite continuer avec des séances d’asana -yoga Iyengar – suivies par une méthodologie spéciale où nous travaillerons avec des partenaires dans nos postures pour continuer avec un cercle quotidien de shaivisme du Cachemire, déjeuner et clôturer la journée ensemble dans la pratique du Bhakti yoga

Acheter vos billets à partir de janvier 2025

Premiers tickets en promotion jusqu'au 21 Juin... Qu'attendez-vous ?

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Ce festival de yoga est une célébration du yoga avec des kirtans en direct, des méditations matinales, des satsangs, etc.
L'objectif est de faire de Scionzier la capitale européenne du yoga en ces 3 jours