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Sunil & Isabelle

Vedic musician

Sunil and Isabelle invite you to vibrate to the sound of mantras to meet the Divine in each of you.

Sunil hails from Dharamsala in the foothills of the Indian Himalayas where he taught Bhakti yoga for twelve years. From the lineage of the Brahmans, Sunil naturally transmits to us this spiritual knowledge transmitted for millennia. Hindu priest, astrologer, teacher of mantras, singer and Vedic musician, he invites you to join the path of yoga through the practice of chanting and the opening of the heart.

Isabelle, osteopath D.O. and yoga teacher accompanies Sunil on harmonium and voice. Traveler, curious, and anchored Isabelle vibrates and lives her passions with a holistic intuition of being and it is this vision that she shares with you when you cross her path.