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Sharleen - Sanskriti yoga festival


Teacher Training courses

Yogini engaged since 2008, she studied Yoga with great schools such as the Sivananda Ashrams in India at the age of 19 where she studied the philosophy of Yoga in depth and with great teachers such as Shiva Rea, Meghan Currie, Simon Park, Caroline Beliard and Sarah Powers.

After many years of teaching, she decided to set up Teacher Training courses certified and internationally recognized by Yoga Alliance to train future yoga teachers. Since 2019 she has already trained more than a hundred teachers in France, and is passionate about this human adventure.

These teachings are pure and authentic, she embodies her practice and connects to the energy of the class to teach powerful Flows as if she reads you. Invested and rooted in her work, she shares from her heart and with generosity her knowledge and her revelations around the practice of Yoga to embody its principles in a modern life.

His influences come from his passion for nature and music… His practice reveals his artistic paste…

“When I teach I immerse myself in the depths of energy vibrations, as if to read the rhythm of music and I extract from this very special place, the essence of the practice that will correspond to my students in the moment. T…”

Her career required her to fully embody every second of her life, to constantly perceive the highest truth, the deepest narrative, the most integral way in which she could serve the world and evolve on her path…

It is today with much love that she accompanies you on yours…