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Yoga intégral • Havan • Mantra

Graduated as an art historian at the Ecole du Louvre in Paris, Maitri has been committed to the path of Yoga and Sanatana Dharma for more than 10 years. She was trained in India (Himalayas and Kerala) and since 2012 has resided between France and Amritapuri (the ashram of her spiritual master, Amma). Maitri generously shares all that she has been able to learn from Indian teachers (swamis and brahmacaris) as well as Western researchers (such as the scientists of Embodied Philosophy and Yogic Studies).

Maitri recognizes Mantra Yoga and Bhakti Yoga as her main path and it is important to her to transmit the mantras that she has been practicing regularly for years.

Maitri is the founder of the Yoga&Vedas School and Edition and trainer of Integral Yoga teachers in India and France since 2012.

Maitri followed the intensive 1-year residential course: “Vedanta sadhaka course 2022” within Mission Chinmayananda. For the practice of mantras and Sanskrit Maitri is guided by Swami Sharadananda Sarasvati, her acarya of this training, who also taught her the art of Pujas and Havans (tantric rituals).

Maitri is the author of the book “Le grand manuel des mantras” released in 2022 by Editions Guy Tredaniel.


Since 2020 Maitri has designed the cycles of online training: “History of Yoga / over 40 hours”,

“Deities of India and their symbolism / on 30h”,


“18 Yogas of Bhagavad Gita / over 30 hours” https://www.yoga-et-vedas-formation-en-ligne.com/courses/18-yogas-bhagavad-gita-maitri and many others.


2 hours

Rituals are an amazing way to work on both our pratyāhāra (inward orientation of the senses) and concentration on iṣṭa devata (our image of the Ultimate). They nurture devotion in power and leave in us the salient samskaras (memories) which help us to advance on the path of Bhakti Yoga.

For centuries Tantra has developed a whole range of techniques that make up its rituals. They include fire offerings, floral and drawn decorations, cooked dishes and various offerings, enclosures of flames, and obviously the practice of mantras with hasta mudrās. It is a marvelous and very beautiful science. Maitri had the chance to live for 1 year with one of the great contemporary tantric masters, Swami Sharadananda and absorb all the teachings transmitted with care. It is important to her to be able to share this extraordinary richness and beauty which, perhaps, will inspire you to let the Divine enter your heart.


1h +

The forces of Sun, Fire and Light will be invoked through the practical and theoretical learning of the fundamental mantras of Sanatana Dharma and India. Scientific research has proven that the vibrational frequencies of these properly sung mantras act on the human brain in such a way as to make it more subtle and more efficient. Then these are deeply sacred enter our hearts awakening the Divine within us.

These practices will be interesting both for personal sadhana and for transmissions in Yoga classes or workshops. Let the Indian tradition settle in each of our actions through the ancient vibrations!