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Laurianne Briere

Laurianne Briere

Tibetan bowls parents & kids

After having lived four years in India, originally from Alsace, in January 2022, Lauriane opened her center “Om Ayurveda” 🕉 in Alsace, then joined Haute-Savoie in September 2022.
Educator of young children in initial training, India was, among other things, a professional revelation for her.

During these four years in India, she was trained in Ayurvedic massage (Ayurveda Therapist) in northern India by Dr Sandeep Madaan. The training “healing protocols by the sound and vibrations of the seven Tibetan bowls” was taught to him by the Nepalese yogi Master Samir Kunwar in the South of India.

She currently offers Tibetan bowl interventions for early childhood in many RPEs throughout Haute Savoie, “7 Chakras” Tibetan bowl evenings, individual Tibetan bowl treatments, as well as Ayurvedic massages.