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Mickael voyages sonores


Sound Journey

We invite you to come and experience a Sound Journey to the sounds of Gongs and other little-known instruments.

Immersed in the world of sound and beautiful vibrations since his youngest childhood, Michaël, after having started with the classical guitar, opened up to other musical instruments before discovering sound massage and energetic sound a while ago. a good fifteen years.
It was a first sound journey to the sounds of planetary gongs that was a real trigger for Michaël. From then on, he turned to training courses at the international gong school of American master and yogi Don Conreaux (creator of gong yoga and Kundalini yoga teacher, disciple of yogi Bhajan), including 2 courses with the great gong master that is Don Conreaux.
The beautiful vibratory adventure began with his first Earth & Venus gongs in 2015. Different courses with the greatest international masters of the school followed, puja or gong nights, as well as other beautiful public experiences in the hall or in nature in various countries.
Michaël is committed to sharing his passion, this well-being and this inner transformation that a gong bath or a multi-instrumental sound journey can provide.
By restoring the balance in our body and releasing the energy blockages that we may have, the sound massage allows the natural flows of energy to circulate freely again to restore harmony between the physical, the emotional, the mental. and the spiritual.
True vibratory therapy, it results in a deep massage of all our cells, all our water molecules, and provides an intense feeling of calm, well-being, lightness… which goes far beyond a simple state of relaxation and will generate a real impact on your whole Being.
The gong is an ocean of sounds that has the ability to stop our mind and plunge us into deep relaxation, a state conducive to transformation.

Let yourself be carried away into the world of sound vibrations, the world within yourself. All you have to do is lie down comfortably, relax and let yourself be carried away by the magic of the sounds.