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Héléne Lama Tamang

Expérience vibratoire

In 2002, Hélène became a computer engineer and settled in Grenoble. In 2007, the call of Nepal… she experienced an initiatory journey there. She resonated with the people, with the land, with the Dharma… a connection, a vibration that shook her entire being. Upon her return, she decided to become a speech therapist to help others express themselves. In 2009, she went to Nancy for a 4-year training program. Then, the call of Nepal… again. In 2014, she returned to Nepal for 7 months to help Laxmi, a young Nepalese girl with speech and developmental delays.

At the end of her journey, we met. In 2016, she became my partner. Until 2021, she worked as a speech therapist in Grenoble.

Hélène has been practicing the Dharma (Tibetan Buddhism) for 10 years.

Since 2018, she has developed a deep attraction to the vibrant and the living. In 2020, she experienced the benefits of living food and underwent professional training. She also received training in dowsing from Gérard Grenet. Through our connection, she learned and trained in singing bowls and developed a strong connection with them. She enjoys transmitting knowledge, and her deep connection with the Dharma and Nepal inspires her.

During the summer of 2021, she decided to embark on a new professional path. She left speech therapy to dive even deeper into the living, the vibrant, and sharing her knowledge. Now, as a Wellness Coach, she is committed to teaching everyone how to raise their vibration and take care of their body and their whole being: nutrition, plants, singing bowls.

Today, I am happy to accompany her in the workshops and sessions she offers with the singing bowls.

Hélène also provides individual support and sound-vibrational offerings, continuing the knowledge I have shared with her regarding singing bowls.